About Pua

C. Pua Kelley-Rimovsky grew up in Hawaii. She observed home ownership provided a deep connection to the "aina" land. Home ownership provided a place where ohana could gather, keiki had the safety of stability. Pua provided support and guidance throughout the real estate transaction for family members who sought homeownership. Pua was taught at a young age that if you want something in life, you must work for it. So that’s what she did; she worked hard.

Pua got into the real estate industry 24 years ago when her husband died. She found herself with an unpaid mortgage and children still attending school. With a shattered life, but the determination of keeping her home, Pua took the step of becoming a realtor. As the years went by, Pua worked her way from Prudential Real Estate to RE eBroker never wavering in her resolve to become the best version of herself with each career move.

As her career advanced, Pua found her stride working with first time home buyers, those upgrading to their second/third home as well as empty nesters downsizing their home. She has also obtained the certification of Seniors Real Estate Specialist for which she assists seniors and family members when dealing with probate.

What’s important to Pua is not just the transaction, but the relationships that are built with each purchase and/or sale. Pua’s clients have become extended family. She always aims to provide the highest level of service to her clients and takes deep pride in helping them achieve their real estate goals.

Today, Pua continues living in the same residence from 24 years ago. In her free time, you can find Pua spending her time with her grandchildren providing guidance to her older college-bound grandchildren as well as spending time supporting her younger grandchildren in both their educational and sports worlds.

Buyer Service

• Buyers : Let’s find your dream home!

Learn how to find the best property and negotiate the lowest price on your purchase!


Seller Service

• Sellers : Let’s Get your House SOLD!

Let us show you how to safely and predictably sell your home and walk away with the biggest check possible!



"I can’t get enough of all the REeBroker benefits, they truly are the GO TO company! They have provided me with incredible service, innovative technology, and all the necessary tools to succeed as an agent."


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C Puanani Kelley Rimovsky


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